A workplace threat involving potential physical harm was made by a male employee against other employees at El Camino College, according to campus police.
The threat was made at the Facilities and Receiving Building at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 20, and was reported to the El Camino Police Department at 5:41 p.m.
The ECCPD sent a safety advisory email to the campus community Friday, March 21.
Authorities believe the incident to have originated from a verbal argument the prior day, and it was deemed to be a third-party threat not meeting criminal standards, ECCPD Police Chief Matthew Vander Horck said.
“It’s a third-party threat, which means it’s not criminal in nature. That’s why it’s being handled in human resources, so it doesn’t meet the qualifications of Penal Code Section 422, which would be criminal threats,” Vander Horck said.
The matter is being handled internally through human resources, while specific details remain confidential.