The El Camino College Information Technology Services warns students and employees of possible online security attacks from QR code phishing.
In a presentation to faculty members and Associated Students Organization representatives on Oct.18, Chief Technology Officer Loic Audusseau said the community should be aware of scam QR codes sent to their email inbox or those posted on fliers around campus.
“Think before you scan a QR code and be highly suspicious, people wanting to protect themselves from scams must be able to recognize them,” Audusseau said.
QR codes contain information people can scan with their smartphone cameras to access websites, documents and other digital applications.
Audusseau said the Information Technology Services (ITS) division is staying alert on the issue and has been thinking of new ideas to spread more awareness and information regarding the scam to students.
“We might be considering doing some workshops for any students interested in learning more about these kinds of scams and how to avoid them,” he said.
Some other protections Audusseau suggested to protect against false QR codes include keeping up to date with smartphone security upgrades.
“Always check for the latest updates for the mobile phone you are using, especially security updates, to keep your phone protected,” he said.
The ITS division previously sent out an email to all El Camino students and faculty to alert them of QR code phishing after consultations with other college technology officers in California.
Audusseau hopes the ASO could help his office disseminate the information to the broader community.
“My hope is that the ASO representatives who came to the meeting will be able to share the information learned about phishing scams with students,” he said.
Contact the ITS office to learn more information at 310-660-6571 or email: