Phone charging stations should be installed throughout the ECC campus

Maryam Orujova

As technology has improved, our phones are becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. This is especially true in the way we are using our phones more frequently to manage daily school activities.

With this increased use of our phones for school work, El Camino College should have more phone charging stations on campus in order to make it easier and more accessible for students to charge their phones.

Currently, the only charging station is in the library in the North Reading room.

I know as a student I am using my phone on a daily basis for school work more so than I used to in the past.

I use it to check my email, use Canvas and to stay connected with my fellow journalism classmates on the group messaging service, Slack. I even use it sometimes in class for my classes that do not use a textbook to have articles on hand for our discussions.

ECC Public Information Officer and Government Relations Director, Marc Stevens said that the school will be installing more charging stations in the new Student Services Building in a couple of months.

However, I do not believe that adding more charging stations to the Student Services Building is enough for such a large campus.

There were 33,684 students enrolled last year, according to the ECC 2017-2018 Annual Factbook.

I think the best way to solve this issue is to have more charging stations on campus.

This would involve ECC providing one charging station on every floor of each building on campus. For example, the Humanities Building would have three charging stations, one on each floor.

I know that this may be too costly for the school, so at the very least the college should have one charging station in every building so students do not have to go across campus just to charge their phones or be forced to hunt for an outlet.

Since there is just one charging station in the library, only a small handful of students can charge their phone at any given time.

I have had experiences where I have had to wait for someone to unplug their phone so I could charge my phone. This has put me in a time crunch sometimes where I am estimating how long I can stay to charge my phone before having to dash to my next class.

Using all these school related apps on your phone can affect your phone battery and can drain it faster.

It is fair to assume that if I am using these apps on a daily basis for school, many other students are probably doing the same thing and are most likely having similar experiences.

Students also should not be having to be searching for wall outlets. Some professors might not allow students to charge their phones and laptops during class.

I know adding more phone charging stations around campus would definitely make my life easier as a student and would most definitely help many other students as well.

This is a small thing the school could do to help improve student life on campus.