Campus Forum: Daniel Ruiz, President of the German Club

Daniel Ruiz is the president of the German Club.

Why did you decide to create the German Club?

My major is German language and literature.

Also, the two years that I’ve been here there wasn’t a single club or activity geared toward German culture.

How long has the German Club been around?

We’ve been around since spring of this year. We weren’t active during the summer, but we’re active now and plan to be so during the winter.

What kind of events do you organize?

We organize events as often as possible. We’ll go to German film festivals, we’ve been to Alpine Village and have participated in Oktober Fest. We’re working on inter club items also.

How many members are there in the club?

We have forty-two inactive members and twenty active mebers.

Active are members who constantly respond to e-mails and answer phone calls.

How has being president of the club changed your life?

It’s allowed me to become a leader.

To know that I can actually start something from nothing is good. It proves you can do anything you set your mind to.

As president, what do you do?

I go to ICC meetings, contact inactive members and work with other officers to keep them motivated. I set up agreements with other clubs asa well.

How much time do you dedicate to the club?

I spend around four hours a week working for the club.

When I started, it used to be more because I was alone, I had no officers so I had to do everything. Now we have a full cabinet.

What do you plan to accomplish with the club?

I want to make sure the club is around for a long time for both German and non-German students.

How long do you plan to be president of the club?

Spring will be my last semester here. Elections will be in April so someone else can take over.

Daniel Ruiz can be reached at: (310) 592-9215

E-mail: [email protected]