El Camino College’s Inter-Club Council executive cabinet and officers met on Wednesday, Oct. 2, to discuss service to the campus community through event-hosting and participation in the decision-making process during a campus restructuring,
The restructuring is branded as ECC Evolve.
The meeting was called to order by ICC president Tyler Bornio, followed by a roll call along with time open for members of the public to speak on agenda items.
According to an ECC Union article from last semester, a “primary goal for Evolve is to simplify the college experience for students, particularly those who are just starting out.”
Previously known as Guided Pathways, Evolve examines and reimagines [ECC’s] practices to create better experiences for students.

Ricky Gonzalez, ECC Student Development director, referred to ECC Evolve Summits, the college’s ongoing plans to improve the processes across campus.
“As those sessions come, we are encouraging you, as well as the club leadership and general students, to be able to participate in those sessions because again, the campus is going through a complete restructure and your voice is absolutely necessary for us to know how to build ourselves to serve you better,” Gonzalez said.
Referencing questions regarding public comment at a recent meeting, Austin Toney, the ECC Student Development student activities advisor, clarified the rights and limitations of a speaker.
“Everybody is allowed to speak on any item, public or not. They can’t motion or vote. If they’re not in the club they can still speak, but their vote won’t be counted and the motion won’t be their right,” Toney said.
Citing the need to streamline responsibilities delegated to cabinet members, Tyler Strohl, ECC Student Development student activities advisor, discussed a potential shift in duties.

“I think there’s a couple of things structurally that we all can work together on changing,” Strohl said. “It’s very difficult to manage taking minutes and a speakers list and time. There’s a lot of other hands in there … that I think we could delegate some tasks to.”
In addition to reviewing submissions for new clubs and filling club budget requests, ICC promotes involvement and encourages club connection by hosting an Earth Day celebration, Cultural Potluck and Club Rush, a three-day event held every semester.
Last October, ICC hosted the Thursday Night Football Tailgate in conjunction with the Associated Students Organization.
A student tailgate for this semester was mentioned but no further information is available.
ICC holds general meetings every Monday in Library Room 166 located in the Distance Education Center from noon to 1 p.m.

Cabinet meetings every Wednesday in Communications Room 102 located in the ICC office from noon to 1 p.m.
Information on club membership, events and upcoming meetings can be found on Engage.
Meeting agendas can be viewed at BoardDocs.