Students seeking assistance navigating El Camino College’s campus can find help in the form of student ambassadors and blue, “Ask Me” buttons.
Throughout the first week of classes, students can approach EC student ambassadors sitting underneath blue tents and ask them anything, student ambassador Charlotte Vo, 19, international studies major, said.
“It’s great to help students,” Vo said. She said helping students can initially be daunting but, in the end, is a gratifying job to take on.
“I feel like it’s a lot of pressure sometimes to be the first face (that student’s see),” Vo said. “But it’s something I’m really proud to do.”
Student ambassador Anam Khan, 19, international relations major, also felt that assisting new students was a rewarding responsibility.
“I think it’s a very big campus so a lot of students get confused (on their first days),” Khan said. “It’s nice to be a part of helping them.”

Student ambassadors will be available to answer questions on campus until Friday, Feb. 16.