To heat or not to heat: lack of campus microwaves mentioned at Board meeting

Microwaves on campus, or rather a need for them, is currently being worked on by the Associated Students Organization.

During the April 18 Board of Trustees meeting, Student Trustee Karina Ramirez brought up concerns that El Camino College has a lack of microwaves available for student use and how that can be an issue.

“There’s not necessarily a public place for students to warm up food.” Ramirez said. “Particularly for the warrior pantry since sometimes the pantry gives our students food that requires to be heated.

Ramirez told The Union that the Warrior Pantry had reached out to the Associated Students Organization (ASO) and said that microwaves were sorely needed.

Ramirez said that the current ASO president is in the process of reaching out to deans in the hopes of securing permanent locations for the microwaves.

When asked if the lack of microwaves on campus were a result of COVID-19, Ramirez was clear that she did not know if the pandemic was to blame, but says that with classes back in person, they are needed now.

“We have to make sure that first of all the microwaves are sanitary,” Ramirez said. “But we also want to make sure that they’re put in locations where students can access them.”