Police tackle man outside Student Activities Center
EC Police Sgt. Jeffrey Lewis and Officer Leroy Enriquez take a suspect into custody outside the Student Activities Center just after 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 12. Photo credit: John Fordiani
A male suspect was tackled to the ground by police officers near the Student Activities Center’s quad on Thursday, March 12, witnesses said.
“Supposedly he was walking and we’re guessing someone called the cops on him which led to the scene,” Kevin Estrada, 20, business major, said.
There was no information at the time on the incident other than eyewitness accounts.
An EC Police Department representative said that there was an investigation underway and the department could not comment.
“I was sitting over there and see one cop car and another cop car and then the third cop car shows up. The guy was bleeding from his forehead and the police were checking his backpack. I don’t know what he was doing,” Melissa Garcia, 19, English major, said.
The officers led the suspect away in handcuffs. One officer, who was escorting the suspect, was carrying a prescription-pill bottle in his hand.