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El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

Campus Forum: Lisa Nena

Lisa Nena is president of Circle K
International .
When and where do meetings take place?
The meetings take place every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in Music 143.

How many members are in the club?
We used to have more, but there are about 40 members right now. Anyone can come and join if they would like.

What is the purpose of the club?
Circle K International is a community service organization that’s been at EC since 1998. We volunteer at various places.

What is your job as president?
I run the meetings. If something goes wrong, it’s my responsibility. I make sure that everything is correct. The board also helps me in planning and preparing for events. Elections are every spring semester.

What happens during meetings?
We start with an icebreaker game to make it more fun. We talk about past events that we’ve done and future events that will be done. We also recognize a member of the club that has been doing a great job helping out. They get to take home the club mascot, Edward, the bunny, and talk about what they did with him at the next meeting.

What kinds of events have been held?
We help feed the homeless, do beach clean-ups and volunteer at charities. We also go places to volunteer helping little children. We go to Belmont Shore in Long Beach (for the beach clean-up. )They already have a program for beach clean-ups. They help us by giving us the materials we need like gloves and trash bags.

What events are coming up?
This weekend we are helping out with the Palos Verdes marathon. Since the semester is almost over, we are just going to help clean the beach a couple of times.

How big is Circle K International?
The club is a huge organization. It’s everywhere. A lot of schools have this club on campus. There are students with higher power at other schools that I have to listen to. I’m in charge of Circle K International at EC.

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