Newsline, Nov. 20-Dec. 12

Come get your groove on

The fall dance concert will take place Nov. 20 at 1 p.m. in the Campus Theatre. The cost to attend the concert is $15 per person. The concert will also be Friday, Nov. 21 and Saturday, Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. and the following Sunday, Nov. 23 at 3 p.m. For more information, call 310-329-5345.

Check out what USC has to offer

Tour USC on “Transfer Day,” Nov. 21. Tours start go from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students must be enrolled in at least one course at EC, have a current class schedule print out, and a $5 deposit is required when signing up for the tour. For more information, contact Rene Lozano at

Look for the right major

Students who are still undecided on a major are in luck as an Undecided Major Workshop will take place Nov. 25 from 1 to 3 p.m in the Distance Education Center. For more information on the workshop, call 310-660-3593, ext. 6137.

Learn information on how to be a nurse

Students will learn nursing information during an info session taking place in the Distance Education Center from 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 8. Students will learn the requirements and classes to take to qualify for the nursing program. For more information, call 310-660-3593, ext. 3433.

Come see the stars of the night sky

There will be a planetarium show from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Dec. 12 for the public to enjoy. Everyone will get to see the night sky from inside the dome. The event is free, but space is limited so seating will be first come, first served. For more information, call 310-660-3593, ext. 3543.