A Timeline of Our History

Celebrating African American History Month, students will be performing events from the beginning of slavery to the 20th century through song, poetry and prose, Maria Brown, history professor said.

Brown said the purpose of this event, “A Timeline of Our History” is to share the African American experience and look at it through a timeline.

This event will be taking place next Tuesday at the campus theater from 1 to 2 p.m. and all students and faculty members are invited.

It is free to attend and Brown encourages everyone to come so that the may watch the students perform so that the audience can acknowledge the contributions that African Americans have made to this society.

Also contributing to creating and organizing events is Dr. Michael Wynne, psychology professor, who explained how important it is that everyone know and learn from their history.

“For African Americans, you have to know your history because you can’t know yourself if your disconnected from your past. For everyone else, it’s important to learn about major cultures in society, especially because we live in a multicultural community,” Wynne said.

He also said there will be several more events taking place on campus throughout the month of February.

“A Timeline of Our History” is the first of events in a theme called “Let Freedom Ring,” designed to educate students and get them connecting events that happened in the past to current events happening today,” Wynne said.

“Information about all the events taking place this month is on the ECC website,” Brown said. “Type ‘Black History Month’ in the search engine, and click on the first link for a flier with all the events, times and locations for them.”