Megan McLean is running an uncontested race for ASO senate while her nomination is not as exciting as the Obama and Clinton race, McLean wants to represent the EC students for the Fall 2009 semester.
“She understands the main purpose of EC as a college and she has a good grasp on the skills that a leader needs to take us to the next level,” Harold Tyler, director of student services said.
McLean who this past semester started out as senate of fine arts before being voted by the executive cabinet to be student service officer promises to represent the student body and make ASO a top priority for her as president.
” I want to do the best to represent the student voice,” McLean, communications major, said. “I think I have the experience needed to strengthen ASO next year.”
Rebuilding ASO is her biggest concern as most of the executive cabinet is leaving this year so she hopes to get more people involved next semester and make ASO more known by holding more events and getting more students to attend the events.
“I do not endorse any candidates,” Vince Armstrong, election committee chairperson said. “But from working with Megan, she is a very hard worker and a very dedicated ASO member,” Armstrong said.
While she feels that being a cabinet member and a student is hard, McLean says she can handle it.
McLean started her career in the ASO as a senator, and she always attended meetings.
Thanks to ASO trips to Washington, DC and other leadership conferences McLean is readily able to handle the tasks that is required of ASO presidents including representing students at board and council meetings.
Polls will be ready for student votes Monday.Candidates will rally pon Tuesday from 1 p.m to 2 p.m. Cndidates will be give an opportunity to give speeches and debate against other candidates.
“It is pretty demanding to wear more than one hat (student and ASO member), but I think we will be ok, ” Tyler said.