The return of winter session is still in the works for 2017, after the college cut winter session two years ago and replaced it with multiple summer sessions.
Winter session was canceled in 2013, at the time of its cancellation, EC had met its quota of full-time enrolled students, Claudia Striepe, academic senate co-president said.
“It was a minor feeling, not shared by all, that the winter sessions where too short and didn’t have the same academic rigor,” Striepe said.
While there is no actual winter schedule yet, the Calendar Committee will be having their first meeting this month to discuss the winter 2017 schedule.
The Calendar Committee will need to create a possible winter schedule. That schedule will then be given to President Tom Fallo, who will then make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who have the final word, Jean Shankweiler, vice president of academic affairs said.
“The process to create a winter schedule and a spring schedule could not be completed in time for 2016,” Outreach and School Relations Director, Robin Dreizler said.
“It seemed like the best thing to was to do it right than to do it fast,” he said.
The return of winter session is expected to help increase enrollment at EC, which has seen a decrease in the amount of students.
“Enrollment is down due to various reasons,” said Striepe “Some students leave to colleges with winter sessions and stay there once they decide they like it there,” Striepe said.
The start date for summer sessions does not correlate with high school graduation dates; that plus the lack of ability to pick up extra credits in winter definitely limits some students and lowers enrollment, Dreizler said.
“Last semester more than 100 sections were canceled due to low enrollment,” Striepe said.
Enrollment at EC has been going down steadily. There are so many factors that weigh in on what is happening with enrollment at EC, it has even been going down statewide, Dreizler said.
“My hope is that the winter session will help raise enrollment, not significantly, but some,” Shankweiler said.
Assistant Director of Admissions and Records, Esperanza Nieto, declined to comment on enrollment statistics. William Beverly, President of the Board of Trustees did not answer to email requests for this story.