Does religion help society? YES

Religion is by no means perfect. Throughout the course of history, violent acts have been committed and wars have been waged all in the name of religion.

People have died, some only killing themselves, but many others taking innocent lives with them in a gruesome display of faith. All kinds of perversions have been committed in the pursuit of pleasing a higher power.

Yet, it is not religion that is to be held accountable for all the havoc that these “martyrs” have created. These overzealous religious fanatics have only themselves to blame for their perversion. Religion is not the “who” or “what” that is harming society. It has been turned into a grossly misused tool, with which demented individuals can justify their violence.

The concept of religion is based upon the belief that there is an omnificent power who provides meaning to the universe, as well as unconditional love and support to all those who have faith in it. Using this concept of a greater being, an individual can draw strength to pull away from feelings of depression or hopelessness.

One of the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, besides the obvious “put down the liquor” advice, is to encourage its members to take is to become involved in religion. They use the concept of a “higher power” to give additional support and comfort to people who are in desperate need.

It is in all human nature to crave something to hold on to, to stave off the feeling that we are alone in an indifferent universe. It doesn’t matter which deity the person worships, or even if there is someone listening to all the pleading and praising going on in the world. Religion can provide comfort to scared and lonely individuals.

Very often, people use religion as a crutch to lean on when they are not able stand on their own strength. There is no harm is drawing aid from personal beliefs when rough times begin to wear away hope and optimism. Not everyone who turns to religion during a hard period in their life will devote themselves completely from then on to prayer and worship. For many, religion is simply a temporary aid.

A popular slogan was created several years ago to promote Christianity, it was mass printed across wristbands, necklaces, folders, and T-shirts. This slogan was “WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?” Teenagers across the country could be seen proudly sporting their Christian apparel. This new trend was considered by some to be a fashion faux pass, but it certainly did not cause any physical harm to anyone. The slogan inspired many youths to lead moral lives.

Our country was founded on “In God we trust.” Events have not always drawn out a pretty time line for this country, the Salem Witch Trials being among the worst of the grim periods in our nation’s history. However, though those men and women were persecuted under the name of God, it was a mixture of the greed and the fear of the people involved that led to all the deaths. People are imperfect.

There were selfish motives that had nothing to do with religion. Neighbors coveted the belongings of their friends and others became afraid and were swept up by a mob mentality. Religion may have been the stamp that was placed over it, but it but it was not the driving force. Religion has no real physical power to harm; it is simply a concept that is dependent on who is applying it.

A warped individual will use any means to justify their malevolent behavior. But, for many others, religion serves as a harmless source of reassurance that everything happens for a reason. Whether or not that is true, people are comforted by the idea.