Do hybrids deserve benefits? YES

It’s a great idea to allow hybrid cars to drive in the carpool lanes, even if the car contains only the driver and no passengers.

California, especially Los Angeles, has a problem with pollution and AB 2628 can help solve that problem.

Hybrid cars release far fewer toxic air contaminants and “greenhouse gases” than the average car, which helps a lot during L.A. traffic jams.

Hybrid cars also save a significant amount of fuel compared to the conventional gasoline engines in most cars.

This means that if people like the idea of driving in the carpool lane without needing a passenger and they buy a hybrid, they will save a lot of money on gas. Hybrid drivers saving money on gas will benefit all other drivers because if the demand for gas is lower, gas will not be as expensive. It’s a win-win situation for all drivers.

Those who think that AB 2628 will clog up the carpool lane should consider this, the bill only permits 75,000 hybrid cars to drive in the carpool lane. That is not a lot when you consider how big the state is and how many cars are driven on California roads today.

Los Angeles has millions of cars on its freeways every day. Even if the bill only impacted L.A; 75,000 cars is still not a lot.

For people who drive in the carpool lanes daily, don’t worry about this bill because you will hardly notice the difference.

If a carpool lane is crowded on a daily basis, it’s going to stay that way, so the bill is not to blame for that.

On the freeways without crowded carpool lanes, the odds of them suddenly becoming congested are slim.

If the carpool lane is usually empty, it may be because it is near a small town or the road is not used much, so it is unlikely many of drivers on that road will buy hybrids.

The bill allows only hybrids that at least get 45 miles per gallon to drive in the carpool lanes. Cars that fit that mold are the Honda Civic Hybrid, the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius. Right now there are only 55,000 of those specific cars in California, so that is 20,000 fewer cars to worry about.

This bill could end up being great for the environment not only in California, but the whole nation if other states follow suit and pass this bill for themselves. This bill could get more people to buy hybrids and that will reduce the fuel consumption and the amount of harmful emissions released into the environment.

Roads in California are very crowded, but if there are more environment-friendly cars on the road, the amount of pollution in California will decrease dramatically. Environmentalists have been looking to preserve a cleaner and a healthier environment and this bill will help achieve those goals. AB 2628 can help American auto manufacturers if they decide to start making hybrid cars. If there is a high demand for cleaner fuel-efficient cars, they will start making more.

They will have an advantage over other countries because they will know what flaws hybrids have. All they need to do is fix them so Americans will buy American-made cars and not have to worry about the performance of the car. The more American-made cars are bought, the better it is for the economy and the better bill AB 2628 looks. Recently, there has been a high demand for hybrid cars. All American auto manufacturers have to do now is to realize this and to make more so Americans can help the economy.

So, let’s see; a bill that will improve the air quality in California, save all drivers money on gas and help the economy. Bill AB 2628 is not only great, it’s necessary.