The Transfer Center will be organizing transfer application workshops every week during October and November for students applying to transfer to four-year universities next fall.
Students should attend even if they think they already know how to fill out a college application because mistakes can be detrimental. Transfer Coordinator Rene Lozano said.
The Transfer Center provides two types of workshops to help students with their applications. The first workshop is a presentation that provides step-by-step instructions to guide students through the application process, including a mock application demonstration by staff. The second workshop is a lab where students can fill out the application with support and guidance from counselors.
“What we do to help our students here is we do a mock application. We fill one out as if we were a student ourselves,” Lozano said. “That way, a student gets to see every screen, every drop-down menu and every section.”
Students need to bring basic paperwork to fill out the application including transcripts from all colleges attended and background information of their family size and income.
The applications require some high school information including the school names, dates attended and graduation date.
Qualifying students may receive up to four fee waivers for California State University applications and up to four fee waivers for the University of California applications.
The fee waiver is connected directly to the application, Lozano said.
Bri Mai, a second-year ECC student, said that she is interested in attending the workshops.
“I am thinking of transferring Fall 2021. I was actually thinking of going this year so I could get a plan ahead,” Mai said.
When asked if she knew that the workshops had an overview and a guided lab to fill out applications for the UC and CSU school systems, she said she did not know.
She thought it was just an informational overview about how to do the application, Mai said.
Second-year student Martin Zambrano said he was unaware of the services provided in the workshop.
“I didn’t know about that. It seems very helpful,” Zambrano said.
He felt that the level of advertising was in the middle because he was aware of the workshop but did not fully know about the services provided within the workshop, Zambrano said.
Lozano also said the workshops are open to all students planning on transferring and that the dates for fall college application workshops will be released soon.