Campus petitioners need to adhere to college policy

Ash Hallas | Special to The Union

As El Camino College adjusts to on-campus classes and the number of students increases, an ongoing issue has continued in the form of assertive and disrespectful petitioners.

As Election Day approaches, the campus has seen an influx of petitioners asking for signatures in support of California’s propositions.

Harsh demeanor and constant badgering have become the expected reaction from those who ask for a signature only to keep harassing students and employees until they give in and take the pen. 

The college’s administration and petitioner employer must monitor and ensure that the established rules of solicitation on campus are followed to protect the community. 

According to Title V, CA Code of Regulations, Section 42350.5, “Solicitation shall be permitted on a campus subject, however, to a reasonable regulation by the campus president as to time, place and manner thereof.”

El Camino College’s Administrative Procedure 3900 expresses that in areas generally available to students and the community, no petitions, leaflets and other printed materials shall be circulated “within 25 feet of doorways opening to outdoor areas of campus, all indoor facilities including, but not limited to campus offices, classroom facilities, libraries, performing art facilities, indoor or outdoor athletic facilities, parking lots, warehouses, and maintenance yards.”

Since the return to campus last spring, long lines and wristband stations became a likely target for petitioners to gather as many signatures as possible in a short amount of time.

Preying on busy and uncomfortable students was not an issue to petitioners that would openly tout that they were receiving payment per the signature on the dotted line. They would often ask for information on one clipboard, only to unveil a stack of others they would gleefully push people toward signing.

Some petitioners have gone as far as to enter campus buildings where classrooms and other students reside to garner more signatures, according to one student experience.

Even The Union is not immune to the petitioner’s persistence, as on one occasion, a petitioner interrupted a reporter in the process of interviewing a student source where the student journalist was initially hesitant but signed to be left in peace. 

The college administration should address the overt disregard for already established regulations and procedures and protect the rights of students and employees from not being disrupted by the orderly operations of the college. 

The employers of the petitioners should also endeavor to educate their employees on respectful social practices when approaching the El Camino community for its support in the free expression to petition of grievances. 

All citizens deserve the right to openly petition their grievances by gaining support through signatures, but not at the expense of alienating students and employees from their right to feel comfortable. 


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