Updated: Nov. 18, 10:25 p.m. This story has been corrected for accuracy. The Sociology Club sold snow cones at the Inter-Club Council carnival, not popcorn.
Updated: Nov. 18, 9:15 p.m. An earlier version of this story said the Sociology Club was accepting canned food for the drive. The story has been updated to clarify the club is not accepting canned food.
The Sociology Club is hosting its second annual Clean and Warm Thanksgiving Drive, where they collect donations such as clothes and money and donate them to the L.A Mission.
“We are concerned with social issues such as homelessness and the inability to fully support oneself within our society and we think it is especially important to give back,” Emily Ploch, Sociology Club president, said.
Last week at the Inter-Club Council carnival, the club sold snow cones in order to raise money for the L.A Mission. Last year, the club donated 500 pounds in items and this year their goal is to donate more.
The club is accepting donations of new and used clothing. Socks and undergarments must be new and in their original packaging. They are also asking for personal care items like shampoo, soap, deodorant and toothbrushes.
“I believe that anybody who can give back should give back in any way, through monetary donations or through the clothing drive,” Miriam Mcclure, Sociology Club treasurer, said.
To drop off items, students can go to Room 317 in the Art and Behavioral Science Building to leave their donations with sociology professor and club adviser Stacey Allen. Students can also contact Ploch at emilyruthploch@gmail.com for more information. The last day to donate is Nov 20.
“My goal is to provide materials for people in need,” Aurielo Esparza, Sociology Club vice president, said. “L.A Mission is a big place (and) there are a lot of unfortunate people who rarely have stuff like shoes and clothes and I want them to feel comfortable.”