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El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

PJ- Abortion on campus

As the heated debate rages on about the issues on abortion, it came to full circle at the Library Lawn in EC last Wednesday, Mar. 11th.
Bud Shaver, Assistant director of the campus life tour along with representative Sara Guengerich came to EC to educate and to protest to students how immoral it was for a woman to abort a child.

Campus life tour is an organization of students who travel to different parts of the country to inform people about the unlawful act of abortion. Shaver, a devout Christian says it is important for people to not be blinded by the media that pro-choice is the wrong choice and it should not be tolerated.

“People want to throw all of this pro-choice around like it is nothing,” Shaver said. “It is not right at all. Who are we to judge on whether another human being gets to live or not? It is still a human being after conception.”
One of the biggest arguments on abortion is that the baby being aborted is still a fetus and that it is not living anymore. Shaver said that is definitely not the case since it has been scientifically proven that the fetus is a living organism after it has been conceived.

“Science has proven that the fetus is a living organism,” Shaver said. “The argument on whether it is not living or not is definitely overrated so aborting so called ‘fetuses that don’t live’ needs to stop.”
Guengerich did not understand all the fiasco that was around the protest at the time because she said her and Shaver just came to EC to educate students.
“I don’t understand why people are so upset,” Guengerich said. “We are here to let people know how morally wrong it is to abort babies because it is an act of murder. A fetus is a living human being which a lot of people don’t care to know about.”

One of the main reasons why Shaver came to EC is because he wants to restore the debate on abortion. He said that the debate has transformed into a political and a religious debate. What the Campus life tour plans to do is to let people know that it is a moral issue more than anything else.
Along with Guengerich and Shaver were image displays of fetuses being aborted and also the process of abortion. The images were very graphic and it bothered quite a few students.
Economics major Jonathan Fornes thinks the graphics weren’t the way to educate students but instead it turned many people off.
“That’s really disgusting,” Fornes said. “I mean, I know they wanted to let people know how wrong abortion is, but to post all of those gross images in the middle of campus is just wrong.”
Fornes also doesn’t agree with what Shaver is trying to educate students with.
“Don’t get me wrong, I am not for killing people but it is not right to take away people’s choice,” Fornes said. “This is a free country and it is going against America’s first amendment rights. A woman has a right to choose whether she wants the baby or not.”
Among those that were arguing Fornes’ point of view on pro-choice were undecided student Clarence Mazza and Kumayl Nazary, a pre-pharmacy student.
They both think that abortion is killing another human being and if the mother could not afford a kid at the time, there are many alternatives other than abortion. Among those alternatives were putting a child up for adoption or find a home care for them.

“Killing a baby is not the way to go,” Mazza, 20, said. “Abortion is killing a human being. A human being is the beautiful image that God made after himself and to make that decision and to kill it is wrong.”
“It is an innocent human being forced to suffer the consequences of an irresponsible mother,” Nazary said. “Let us not kill these babies because there are definitely a great gift from God. There are other alternatives.”

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