The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

Twitter is the new kid on the block

The social networking sight Twitter is gaining more notoriety but still has not gained the attention that MySpace and Facebook have.

The public is still learning about the third most popular social networking sight that allows users to read each others updates. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them. These users are known as followers.

“What makes Twitter so useful is that you can let all your friends know where you are and what you are doing at anytime”, said Music major Scott Fine. “You don’t need to call them up and ask them what they are doing.””We are all too lazy to call our friends and ask them how they are doing.”Now we can just check Twitter and it’s done”.

Many people are still learning about Twitter so I’m going to explain some of the language that is associated with the social network and micro blogging service. When you follow someone on Twitter you want to know updates about where the person is and what they are doing.

We are advancing really fast technologically as a society, said 21-year -old History major Kyle Haggen. “Ten years ago we were using dial-up and now cutting news is being sent via Twitter before even the television stations can get the information.”

Whether Twitter is a fad or here to stay, millions of people are tweeting because they love it. It is a social networking tool that is being utilized because of its ability to pass information quickly.

“As time goes by more and more people I Know are leaving MySpace and joining Twitter”, said Fine. “I still like Facebook better because you can do so much more with it than Twitter.”

“I have heard my friends talking about Twitter but I haven’t bothered to ask what it’s about”, said 23-year-old nursing Major Tessa Rugero. “I would try it out even though I am not familiar with its functionality.”

Actor Ashton Kutcher and singer Britney Spears are two very well known celebrities who are avid Twitter users. If celebrities continue to tweet, demand will likely increase for Twitter.

“I love using Twitter and think that the popularity of it are just going to grow in the future “, said 19-year-old undeclared major Ivan Mendez. “It is a really fast way to transmit text and images to many people”.”There was a time about three months ago when I was tweeting constantly but I’ve cut down on my tweeting. ”

Time will tell if the popularity of Twitter will increase or decrease. Some people are using Twitter as a marketing tool to sell merchandise.

“I get people following me on Twitter and then I go to look at their profile and it’s an advertisement for a club or there trying to sell some shoes,” said Fine. “I would rather these people not bother me.”

Twitter is the step child of social networking but the public is learning fast what it is all about.

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