Watchers of ABC’s popular show “LOST” seemed to be upset with the ending of their beloved show. The final episode, though full of touching moments, left rationality and a simple sense of finishing what one started at the door and simply spun off on a series of irrelevant tangents. Many have spent hours watching and pondering, what was occurring throughout the 5 seasons of this show.
I have never watched this show and believe this was just a new-age rip off of “Gilligan’s Island.”
Your questions will only lead to more questions.Five years of amazing writing, acting, and production, came down to at the end, lazing writing some would say. Fans feel that the ending ruined all those seasons of wonderful, smart, mysterious and mythological television, which they invested and enjoyed.
People, it’s just a TV show!
But, you can’t spark up these crazy plotlines and just leave them unanswered. Did you really expect all your questions to be answered? No. Did the ending leaving you with you scratching your head? Yes. Thus, the writer’s have succeeded. Days after the finale, people are still trying to make sense of it all. Fan sites are up all over the Internet, engaging in the debate.
“LOST” was not about the final show or the story, but about how this story was told, which retained its cult like following to the very end.