Typically known for reporting the news, “Newsweek” magazine has recently made news with its controversial article regarding straight vs. gay actors.
Ramin Setoodeh’s article “Straight Jacket” was written with the intent to question and generate discussion as to why there are so few openly gay actors in Hollywood.
Much to Newsweek’s chagrin, however, readers did not seem to interpret the story in quite the same way. Setoodeh’s article came off slightly closed-minded and insensitive.
The article makes it seem like being openly gay in Hollywood ruins ones chances at any success in the industry. Setoodeh points out that such a reality seems ridiculous in this era, but that it is true nonetheless.
Setoodeh points that while it is easy for audiences to accept a straight actor playing a gay man, if the situation is reversed, the performance is judged harshly, and usually considered unconvincing.
Setoodeh makes a valid argument when he poses the question of whether or not audiences would be accepting if a high-caliber actor, such as George Clooney came out of the closet.
One cannot help but wonder then, why should an actor’s personal life should affect their merit as a performer? Why must a gay actor have to hide this aspect in order to be accepted by audiences?
In the end they will be forced to act not only on screen, but off screen as well.