Campus Forum: Marina Fine, Special Education major.

Marina Fine has been a student for two years and is a staff member at the High Tech Center.

What is the High Tech Center?

It is inside the Special Resource Center where we have computers, software and other technology which is used by students to help them not only academically, but also in their everyday life.

What does your job entail?

I am a support staff member at the High Tech Center. What I usually do is help and train students with the software and other technology available to help them.

What made you interested in your major?

First of all, I like to help people and am interested in helping people with disabilities go to school and get a better life and participate in our society the same way everyone else does.

What made you interested in working at the High Tech Center?

Working in the Special Resource Center gives me experience in working with different people with a wide range of disabilities and it gives me a chance to gain more experience to help those with disabilities.

What have you learned from your job?

I have learned how to deal with difficulties, situations and problems that people with disabilities deal with in their lives. I have learned to apply my background, experience and knowledge to help them.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Working here makes me feel good about myself and proud of myself; it makes me a better person in many ways because it helps me improve my patience and knowledge every day.

What are challenges that you face on the job?

To work in the High Tech Center, you need to be patient and accept that every person has his or her own way and pace of learning. You need to respect the student’s needs..

What do you hope to have achieved in your job?

I hope that the center will be more well-known to the whole college community, including professors, students and staff members and even parents. I hope that the kinds of things we teach and opportunities that we provide will become available to more students with disabilities.