Campus Viewpoints: Should a pregnant woman's murder count as two?

Kendall Lopez, 20, Film major

“Yes. Criminals should be charged for double murder because as soon the baby is conceived, there is an embryo inside the women. Even though the unborn baby, it’s a life.

Shaton House, 18, Nursing major

“Yes. I think criminals should be charged with double murder because they are taking two lives, and although the baby isn’t born yet it’s still a life because it’s a person.”

Isabel Newman, 20, Business Administration major

“Yes. I believe that whether it’s a man or woman who kills a pregnant woman they should be charged with murder. Even though it’s an unborn baby, it is a human.

Fernando Sepulveda, 38, Physical Education major

“Yes, because the fetus is already alive inside the woman. It’s a life being taken away before it has the chance to live and give something to the world.”

Chris Garrett, 21, Business major

“It depends; if the criminal knows she’s pregnant ,yes, because they are taking a baby’s chance to be born. I could see if they didn’t know, but if they knew then it is no excuse.”

Bridgette Norman, 19, Art history

“It depends; when the fetus is becoming a child then its chances for life may be stifled, but in other cases it’s just a lump of tissues and cells, it’s hard to say if it’s murder or not.”