Student Forum: Braxtin Angelo, Sociology Club Publicity Officer

Braxtin Angelo has been in the Sociology Club for two semesters and is currently majoring in Sociology.

What is the purpose of the Sociology Club?

The major purpose of the Sociology Club is for a group of people who share a similar interest to gather together to basically talk about anything related to our society, such as different ideals and morals. We usually have meetings every other Thursday. Sometimes we will arrange an open forum for everyone to talk about social problems, and recently we discussed the issue of gay marriage, which had great feedback.

What are some of the goals of the Sociology Club?

We hope to become a more well-known club; we hope that by organizing more activities and events, it will get more people involved in the club. We also hope to make some social change in the world.

How many members are there in the Sociology Club?

There are no less than 30 people at every meeting. We have an e-mail list to contact every member, and there are at least 50 to 60 full-time members in the club.

Why did you join the Sociology Club?

I love sociology and it is a good way to meet a group of people with the same interest. I really enjoy doing something related to sociology.

What does a publicity officer do?

A publicity officer has to publicize the club; that includes handing out fliers and sticking posters up around the campus. There are a couple publicity officers in our club, and we gather to discuss how to promote our events and meetings.

Why did you choose to be a publicity officer?

I think that I’m perfectly suitable for this position because I’m an outgoing person and I like to talk to people about the club.

What activities does the Sociology Club organize?

We’ve organized toy drives and we’ve also helped with the blood drive. We’ve also organized a transfer workshop and invited some transfer students from other colleges to share their experiences. Many EC transfer students participated. It was a good experience for us.

What other upcoming events will the Sociology club have?

We will have a melting pot on May 29. People of different cultures will bring in food and talk about their culture. It was really fun last year, so we decided to do it again this year. We also have an open forum talking about where high school students could go if there are not enough spaces in universities.

Does EC provide enough aid for the Sociology club?

We have some great advisers for our club; they are very kind and helpful. And every time we need some posters or fliers, EC backs us up.

What benefits do the Sociology club members have?

In general, our club members are free to talk about anything they want. Our club covers a broad topic and usually members talk about anything related to their daily life. We are very culturally diverse and we are willing to listen to every new topic and idea. Being a member of Sociology Club gives people a chance to know more about different cultures and morals.