Campus Viewpoints: Should the Pledge of Allegiance include "under God"?

Jesus Rodriguez, 20, Liberal Studies major

“Yes. As a religious person, I say yes because I’m Catholic and it’s what I believe in. If there are other people who don’t want to say it, then they don’t have to say it.”

Johana Cardona, 20, Child Development major

“No, I don’t think so because it’s not related. Church and state should obviously be separated. Some people believe in god and some people don’t, so it shouldn’t be generalized.”

Karina Tapia, 20, Undecided major

“Yes, I believe in God, so I don’t have a problem with it. For those who don’t believe in God, it is their opinion and they have the choice not to say it if they have a problem with it.”

Alex Calderon, 23, Film major

“No. Not everyone in America believes in God. People believe in different gods and are pledging allegiance to the country and the democracy we believe in, not to religion.”

Stephen Tredwell, 19, Business Administration major

“Yes. I don’t think it conflicts with religion; it’s just a word. If a kid doesn’t want to say it, they don’t have to. Hearing and saying the pledge doesn’t push religion on a child.”

Cherish Johnson, 19, Psychology major

“No. Church and state should be separated. There are people in this country who don’t believe in God and sometimes they’re forced to say it and this shouldn’t be forced on anyone.”