Campus Viewpoints: Should college sports and academies become coed?

Tim Kim, 20. English major

“Competitive sports shouldn’t be because of biological factors that men tend be stronger than women. When it comes to the mind, there’s nothing different between sexes. ”

Roosevelt Lucas, 19, Physical education major

“It depends on the sport; with football and hockey, no, basketball, yes. In the military, if they’re all willing to fight and die for their country, they should do it together.”

Amber Watson, 17, Music industry major

“I’m all for it. Who’s it hurting? I think it gives women a chance to prove that they’re better than men, physically, verbally, mentally and emotionally. So why not?”

Dominic Cota, 23, Business administration major

“It’s good to have male and female interaction in classes because it helps with social skills in day-to- day life. There’s no reason why they should be segregated.”

Mary Ryerson, 50, Radiology major

“I think it’s great. Why should it be segregated? Times are changing and women are proving to be as smart as men. Women should have the same opportunity as men.”

Alex Jones, 18, Graphic design major

“It helps us get different perspectives if we had coed classes because men and women have different perspectives to problem solving. Coed classes are valuable.”