Three members of El Camino College’s Associated Students Organization have set out to redesign the ECC website into a much more convenient experience.
Walter Mendez of Public Relations, Region 7 Representative Philip Stokes, and Commissioner of Fund Raising Christopher Pham have organized the newly created “Web Task Force” to come up with a new design for the El Camino website. The idea was conceived after the head of Public Relations brought up the issue that staff and students were having difficulty navigating the website.
Having some prior experience with beta testing (internal tests for something before public release), Pham and Stokes note not many of the current features of the website are being used and want to make the site look less crowded and more inviting.
Some of the ideas going around include “avatars” that link to other portions of the website and video updates from ASO members to update the student body on current events.
The Web Task Force is also open to volunteers and suggestions from students. Volunteers are encouraged to keep an eye on ASO meetings that are held on Thursdays and leave their ideas in the suggestion box and the mailboxes of Mendez, Pham, and Stokes in the Activities Center. Alternately, students may also directly contact any of the three through e-mail: