“Sesame Street” may be for children, but “A Place of Our Own,” is for those who raise them.
On the KCET program, a panel of experts and a host answer questions related to child development submitted by viewers.
Daily topics range anywhere from anxiety disorders to the importance of dramatic play.
“I basically sit on a panel and address the issue that is being discussed that day from an expert or more theoretical point of view,” EC professor and show panelist Susan Baxter said.
Baxter said she became involved with “A Place of Our Own” when its creators contacted her through an organization in which she participates.
“I belong to an association called the L.A. Alliance for Childhood and I’m part of their speaker bureau,” Baxter said.
“So, they got that information from there and tracked me down,” she said.
EC professor and show panelist Jennifer Montgomery took part in the program while it was being developed.
“About a year ago, they called and they said they were developing this show. When they needed to do a pilot to see if they could get the funding for it, I went in and did the pilot for them,” Montgomery said.
“I ended up doing two shows. I did one on the power of play and I did one on transitions.”
Although the show appeals to child care providers, its audience has expanded to a larger audience.
“The focus is for people who are currently or have been working with children in any capacity; for parents or grandparents, nannies, day care providers, students in the field, teachers,” Baxter said.
“It was targeted toward family child care which is why it comes on the time it comes on, because they’re assuming that the children are napping, or they’ve gone home for the day,” she said.
“A Place of Our Own” airs weekdays on KCET at 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Saturdays at 10 a.m. and Sundays at noon.
“I have found just being out in the community and talking to other people in the field that it is really gearing toward anyone working with children and that can be parents too,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery credits “A Place of Our Own” with helping to expand the field of child development.
“It’s really exciting to see the field of child development kind of growing. And to me, this show was a step in the right direction. Montogmery said.
“It was really an indicator that people are starting to see the importance of childhood.”
For more information regarding the show, discussed topics, childcare tips, and more, interested persons may visit their website at www.aplaceofourown.org.