Log in, browse a little, click click and an easy purchase is complete without the hassle of traffic, bad customer service, long check-out lines and loud crowds.
It seems a lot easier and it fits today’s modern lifestyle to shop online, especially when almost everyone has access to the Web and owns a credit card.
“Shopping online is easy and cheap; sometimes you don’t even have to pay shipping. Going to the grocery store can be a hassle and time consuming, so it’s nice that the simple items I need I can have ready and delivered to my door at the end of the day,” Cassie Pollastrini, sociology major, said.
Although online shopping is very appealing, not everyone does it. Some students do not find it attractive until an event in their lives takes place such as moving to a desolated town, or needing transportation.
“Once I left home for college, I no longer had access to a car, which made it difficult to go out shopping. I also had to buy books and other things online, so I began shopping and browsing mor,.” Tara Dale, art history major, said.
The most popular Web sites students frequent to shop online are Amazon, eBay, Best Buy and clothing websites like Abercrombie and Nordstrom.
“I started shopping on eBay three years ago, I bought designer stuff but it was finally affordable since their prices are cheaper,” Pollastrini said.
Amazon is the most popular one because of its great deals and safety.
“I always try to buy stuff from reputable buyers such as Amazon. I never enter my credit card information to pages that aren’t encrypted,.” Matt Gian, business administration major, said.
Many students say they think that online shopping will diminish the popularity of shopping malls and discourage people from going outside their homes to buy groceries, electronics and clothes since online shopping makes it so easy.
“I think we will do a lot more online shopping in the future, but not everything will be done over the Internet. The internet is not dependable and it is not personal. People like to interact and communicate,” Pollastrini said.
What online shopping lacks is the one-on-one communication and that is something many students seek.
“The Internet cannot replace the human interaction that you get in stores, both on a social and a logistical level. It’s fun to go shopping with friends or family to get their advice on clothing and other items,” Gian said.
Online shopping is faster, convenient and a few clicks away. But what seem to appeal to anyone from struggling, starving students to wealthy consumers are prices, overall online shopping is cheaper.
“I think it is definitely easier to save money by shopping online. I’ve saved a lot of money on books and cell phones,” Dale said.
“I have noticed that a lot of online stores have offered shipping options that are much cheaper than ever before,” Gian said.
“Many items, if not shipped for free, cost anywhere from two to ten dollars to ship, whereas I feel like the minimum for any transaction a year or two years ago was around eight to ten dollars.”
Whether a new cell phone or a new sweatshirt is needed, the Web has it and for a better price than most store.
“I still shop at the mall, it’s nice to go and walk around with a friend, grab a bite,” Gian said. “I also like the smell of Cinnabon, which is something you can’t experience via the Internet.”
What’s in your cart?
By Yahaira Garcia
May 23, 2008
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