Free “Along the Royal Inca Road” film tickets for all ECC students
The six Discovery film series, “Along the Royal Inca Road,” directed by Swiss-born Filmmaker, Karin Muller, will be shown on Monday, Nov. 26, in the Marsee Auditorium.
The film follows Muller as she traveled along the 3,200 mile Inca Road.
There will be two screenings of this film. The first will be at 3 p.m. and the second will be at 7:30 p.m.
The ticket prices for senior citizens and children are $10 and $12 for the general public and El Camino College staff.
The Center for the Arts Director, Rick Christophersen, said that tickets will be free for all EC students.
Students who are interested in attending must call the Ticket Office at (310)-329-5345 or email to reserve their ticket.
The deadline to reserve a free ticket is Wednesday, Nov. 21.
After each showing, audience members will get the chance to meet Muller.
Muller has presented seven films at El Camino.
“We’re thrilled to have [her] back this season,” Christophersen said.
Update: 1:53 p.m. Grammical error was adjusted for accuracy.