Abdus-Samad Shilling, 18, undeclared
Are you aware we have a student health center?
No, (but) I would definitely use it if i needed it.
Chris Lissik, 24, science major.
Are you aware we have a student health center?
Yeah. I only know about the STD test, and flu shot because my teacher told us about it. (I’d go) now that I know they have a chiropractor in there.
Marissa Bazeley, 19, business finance major.
Are you aware we have a student health center?
No, but I’d consider going if I needed it.
Jacqueline Rodriguez, 20, psychology major
Are you aware we have a student health center?
Yes, (but I’d) probably not go, I would just go to my regular doctor.
Raj Mcdaniel, 33, kinesiology
You just came out of the Health Center right?
Yes. I got a chiropractic adjustment and it was beautiful. I am glad they allow it here. They are still students technically, but you can tell they are very knowledgeable, personal, and qualified. The best part is that it’s free. This is only my second visit, (but I go) once a week. I would definitely recommend it, at least the chiropractic service.