The issue:
Students are using parking spots meant for the
Our stand:
Save the spots for those who really need them.
Throughout this campus one can see many disabled individuals struggling to gain access to certain buildings and waiting for the throngs of able-bodied students to move out of the way. EC is not a welcome place for those with disabilities and an overhaul must be done to better accommodate them.
Not only do non-disabled students use the elevators on a regular basis, but they make it harder for those who actually need this resource and the able-bodied students are only using it out of laziness.
Even though signs are posted saying that this resource is only to be used by those who actually need it people ignore it, just as they ignore the signs and paint labeling handicapped parking spots.
This is not an “honor system” type of thing. These are resources that disabled people need in order to get around campus and EC is not implementing and regulating them and punishing those who misuse them.
Besides the lack of regard for posted placards and handicapped bathrooms, the construction that EC is undergoing makes it hard and almost impossible for those in wheelchairs or those who have a difficulty walking to get around.
For many, construction is simply an inconvenience but for disabled individuals this construction and lack of information about where the new construction is taking place is a blatant disregard for them.
The lack of handicapped parking spaces is another problem that EC needs to address in order to make this campus a more equal place of education for all.
The majority of students who attend EC are able-bodied and have no problem from the parking lot to their classroom, but those who are in a wheelchair or may have problems walking for long periods of time do not have this ability.
The disabled should not be treated like second-class citizens.