The current minimum units required for English associate’s degree at EC is 22 units, despite California state law that only requires 18. Decreasing the number of units needed for an associate’s degree in English is beneficial for student success.
With full approval by the English department’s faculty, amending requirements would only help student achievement.
Currently, students must take three units from specific English classes involving Shakespearian tragedies, comedies and histories and six units from English classes such as science fiction or children’s literature. Changes to these requirements would allow students to have more freedom in which classes they want to take. The idea is a good one and departments, including journalism, have also lowered units required for its degree.
Allowing more options for a student to choose from, rather than being forced to take specific classes, is likely to engage the student more in the subject.
Having more options in choosing classes gives a student a better sense of freedom, which can only positively affect the student’s success in the class.
Any class a student takes that they actually enjoy will always result in a better grade. It encourages the student to attend more regularly, participate more in class discussions and complete assignments thoroughly and on time.
Because every student has different personalities and work ethics, more options will develop student education, not only for the sole purpose of receiving a degree or to transfer, but also for personal enrichment.
One can argue that adjusting the requirements would not affect most students right away, because many fail to meet with counselors until they are nearing graduation or transferring. But, because of the state’s current budget condition, colleges are getting overcrowded.
Competing for a spot in any class is common because of high student enrollment so most students who may have avoided meeting with counselors are finding it more crucial to meet with counselors sooner. There is more urgency to complete a degree and or transfer.
Altering requirements will not only be advantageous to those already pursuing an English degree, it may also encourage more students to consider pursuing the degree. Because of the smaller of units required, as well as the freedom in choosing classes that best fit them, this will have a wider appeal.
Lowering units needed for an associate’s degree in English will serve as an advantage to students by encouraging growth and development through more variety of classes and making the degree more attainable.
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Changes to English associate’s degree benefit all
April 29, 2010
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