EC is doing all it can to further the careers of its stu-
dents. In addition to offering jobs on campus for quali-
fied students, one of the main ways it is helping is by
holding multiple job fairs a year in order to give students
a chance to meet potential employers.
The Job Placement Center sets up the fairs that give
students a chance to bring resumes to possible employ-
ers and make a good first impression.
The Job Placement Center attempts to set up at least
one job or career major fair a month in order to hope-
fully provide resources to all students and majors at EC.
The upcoming fair, to be held on March 25, focuses
on “green” jobs and internships, which shows how EC
is trying to give students insight and an advantage into
what is going to be big in the future job market, John
Weitzel, job placement and student advi-
sor, said.
EC has already taken steps this se-
mester to furthering job opportunities for
students with the Green Jobs Education
Initiative, which focuses on training for
students who are in “green” job fields.
The Placement Center has 21 employ-
ers attending so far, all of which can be
viewed on the EC Web site. Examples in-
clude companies such as Honda and Cal
The fair should give all students who
attend an opportunity to meet and net-
work with a variety of potential employers
to help them get their foot in the door.
The Placement Center has also set up
future events, to take place in April and
May, which will focus on career place-
ment and also provides an opportunity
for business majors to meet with potential
Weitzel and his colleagues also work
to prepare students to give their best first
impression upon meeting potential em-
ployers, and provide tips to students so
that they may do their best at the fair.
Besides the staff and their willingness
to aid students, the Placement Center
Web site provides many resources for stu-
dents to utilize.
The site contains a job database where students can
view potential opportunities, and though none are cur-
rently listed, the resource itself is sure to be an aid to
The Job Placement Web site also lists the many other
resources it provides to students, including advice on
what to wear to an interview and employment referrals.
EC not only educates students for their future ca-
reers, but gives them a stepping stone with their future
employers as well, by providing them with resources
such as the Job Placement Center and its staff.
Job fairs provide more opportunities for a brighter future
March 18, 2010
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