“Yes. A lot of countries are a lot poorer than we are so we have the resources to help them out.”
-Samaj Myles, 20, engineering major
“Yes. In a way, we’re going to need their help when we have natural disasters and such. Right now, we don’t need to be dealing with anyone, but Haiti because they really need our help.”
-Vince Baker, 21, undecided major
“Yes. We have so much to give. If we have the money to send out troops to other countries, we shouldn’t be selfish.”
-Doris Aguilar, 21, sociology major
“No. We are in a crisis. We can barely help out ourselves.”
-Leslie Robles, 23, nursing major
“No. We’re in a crisis right now and no other country is helping us.”
-Corey Maulupe, 18, math major
“No. I don’t think the US as an obligation to help other countries due to our current economical situation. We need our own country to be stable before we can help other countries.”
-Manushi Weerasinghe, 19, psychology major