The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

Commentary: Masturbation gives relief and pleasure

Lingering issues over gender roles in society have left some women feeling awkward and embarassed about the methods they use to achieve orgasms, some of which include masturbation.

Women are often deplored for being promiscous or for being open about their sexuality.

Now, a woman’s lack of sex and the seeking of alternative means of obtaining sexual stimulation have further stigmatized women’s sexual roles in American society.

Masturbation is the act of self stimulation by rubbing, squeezing or stroking the penis, vagina or breasts until an orgasm is reached.

“(People should masturbate) because it feels good. You should do what feels good,” Brenna Smith, 18, archaeology major, said. ” If we weren’t supposed to masturbate, we wouldn’t be able to do it.”

Masturbation has been proven to release stress and anxiety, teach individuals more about their bodies and orgasms have been called natural painkillers, according to

“I think masturbation is very healthy because I know, personally, after sex or masturbation I feel much better,” ‘Nicolle’, 21, digital art major , said. “You feel more aware of yourself, you just feel refreshed.”

Masturbation may be a preventive measure for those who want to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases and it also eliminates the risk of pregnancy.

People may choose to masturbate every day, never, once a year or even before they go to bed.

Either way, people are pleasuring themselves as best as they can, although some remain hesitant about admitting that they do.

“I think they’re shy about masturbation for the same reasons women are shy about having lots of sex. In our society women are deplored for being sluts while men are praised for being sluts,” Smith said. “If you’re sexually active, therefore you’re a slut, therefore it’s a negative thing in society. It’s like a lingering mindset.”

People who support the idea that women should abstain from carnality while men enjoy the fruit off of the loom inhibit society by tricking them into not exploring their sexuality because masturbation is shunned by religion, ‘Nicolle’ said.

Some myths which loom around touching onesself include blindness, hairy palms, craziness or even the eternal fires of Hell, while proponents of masturbation seem to be thought of as people who don’t have sexual relations.

“People who have regular sex partners actually masturbate more often than those who don’t,” according to

Women and men often use masturbation to better understand how their bodies react, and the only way to know what one likes or does not like is by touching themselves, Smith said.

Some may hate the feeling or sight of touching onesself, so masturbation may not be for everyone, but as long as close-minded individuals exist, so too will negative ideas pertaining to allowing women equality in the waters of human sexuality.

“We’re slowly recovering from our repressed history as Americans and we should explore and celebrate our sexuality, not make it a demonized thing,” Smith said.

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