The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

Commentary: Politics focus on the trivial; not the issues

This election is becoming as juicy as spending a Monday night watching “The Hills.” Watching Sen. Barrack Obama and Sen. John McCain go back and forth with each other is like watching Lauren and Heidi having an argument over who backstabbed whom.

Well, now McCain has found his Spencer Pratt in a sense, in Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whose Annie Oakley-like ways are garnering significant raves on this season of “the presidential election.”

The drama continues as we learn that her 17-year-old daughter is we also learn that her daughter is pregnant.

While Conservatives fear this has a negative effect on their campaign, it can’t be as big a scandal as finding out they remade “90210.”

Pregnant teenager or not, Palin is proving herself as a worthy addition to this election in the same way that global warming is significant to Al Gore.

Yet people are making such a big deal about her daughter being pregnant or her husband being a recovering alcoholic, that somehoh Palin’s life has become more TMZ than CNN.

Americans are hung up on her personal life pushing Britney Spears and Paris Hilton out of the headlines.

Where are the hard hitting facts about Sarah Palin’s life?

What makes a former beauty queen the perfect candidate for vice president?

Her views on foreign policies?

Maybe she has some unique solutions to global warming?

Or maybe at the next debate she could tell the American people her feelings on “The Dark Knight” before discussing her ideals about an exit strategy for Iraq.

Since it is very important for us to know the most intimate details about her instead of qualifications or experience.

Next thing that will happen is we will see Palin on the cover of “Us Weekly” and “OK” magazine front and center with a Brangelina headline next to it.

This, folks, is how you want to judge the next potential vice president of the United States.

Being skeptical of Palin is fine, but being skeptical of Palin because she has a pregnant daughter is not.

Arguments can be made “well if she can’t run her family, how can she run the White House,” but maybe someone could have asked the Clinton’s the same question pre- and post- Monica Lewinsky.

The fact is personal and private matters should not reflect a person’s professional experience.

Palin may not be the perfect mother or come from a perfect family, and might not be the most experienced person to be vice president.

But if we are going to care that her daughter is pregnant than we might as well ask Obama about his friendship with George Clooney; after all, it is a prerequisite for president of the United States.


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