Sept. 11, 2001, my colleague Lori Medigovich and I got on the phone in the early morning to discuss what we should do, considering the terrible events that day in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.
As co-advisers to the college newspaper, we decided to come to school to see if we could round up some students and maybe get them to do a little quick work that Tuesday so that Thursday’s paper would have some coverage.
When we arrived, the entire editorial board was waiting for us outside the locked newsroom, having made the decision on its own to make sure the Union had its own local reactions.
That is just one memory I have had as co-adviser to the Warwhoop/Union during the past 25 years. The graduates are everywhere: There’s a Peabody Award Winner writing news for radio, a sports writer covering the Redskins at the Washington Post, a public relations professional at Torrance Memorial Hospital, and another 40 to 50 El Camino students whose bylines I get to see every day.
We have a wonderful college with a faculty and staff who participate in the journalism learning process. Their doors are always open to our reporters and editors, and they are patient and understanding when the “cubs” start knocking on those doors, usually the day of the deadline.
Thank you to all of you; the big awards case in the new Humanities Building is full to overflowing because the administration and staff here care about student press freedoms and are willing to participate.
The students on the Union in 2008 are talented, and are more than hungry to show what they can do as the last weeks of this spring semester wind down. Four are already working professionally; one has just received a large scholarship, and several more are looking forward to joining the student editorial board in the fall.
I am leaving the advising duties to my colleague Medigovich. She will oversee the growth of both the print and web publications, and will, I know, have more incredible memories to create with the outstanding students here who choose to begin a career in the media by taking one of our classes.
With much appreciation to all, especially to the Union staff.
– Jolene Combs