The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

The student news site of El Camino College

El Camino College The Union

Campus Forum: Mark Walch

What is the purpose for the Writing Center?
It’s basically to help students write their papers for class and for computer usage for research. We also help students interpret the assignments.

What is your job at the Writing Center?
I am a tutor and because we are trying to expand the program, I am also a supervisor.

How many tutors are working at the Writing Center?
I would say about 10 tutors. They all had to have a B.A. and pass some examinations to become a tutor.

What is the common problem that the students ask for help from the tutors?
Oftentimes, it’s figuring out what the instructor wants on a particular assignment. That is why we emphasize students to come in for help before they start the paper. We really want students to come in for help before they start.

What is the best part of being a tutor at the Writing Center?
The best part of the job is working one-on-one with the students. Even if it’s a short meeting with the student, you learn more about the person than from a lecture.

What would you say to the students who need help with an essay, but are hesitant to come in for help?
Some students get impatient with the check-in process. It’s the “paperwork” that students find it timeconsuming. But the actual tutoring process is friendly and the students find it helpful.

What do you think of the new Humanities Building, which is where the Writing Center is located?
It’s very pleasant. But you will always have small glitches here and there, such as the clock not working. But even those glitches on Monday (Feb. 11) are getting fixed already. I think the students like the new building, too.

What do you think is the biggest problem of the new Humanities Building?
The building is amazing, but the biggest problem would be people not always respecting it. There is already grafitti in the bathrooms on the third floor.

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