Student awareness of campus affairs could be heightened by the usage of EC student’s personal e-mail addresses instead of the ones provided by MyECC.
Currently, many students don’t know what’s going on campus.
For example, last Monday there was a blood drive but it wouldn’t be a surprise if students had no idea about the event.
Wouldn’t it have been great if students had received message to their personal e-mail accounts informing them of the event?
The potential for the campus to come together is possible and is worth the advent of simply disclosing one’s e-mail address.
The sexual assault that occurred last month didn’t come to students’ attention as quickly as it should have.
No notifications were received by students, although faculty, staff and instructors were all e-mailed alerts about the sexual assault.
Campus safety should be the campus’ top priority and one way to promote safety would be to have a catalog of student’s e-mail addresses.
That way students know what’s going on their campus.
The issue of student’s wanting privacy is inconsistent with reality.
One can easily go to and create an alternate e-mail account if one chooses not to have things pertaining to his or her college issues crowd an account which may be designed for his or her social or business life.
This would keep the student body informed on safety issues and upcoming events.
Perhaps, literally broadcasting upcoming events such as sports and even musical events, the student body could better suit itself to its title as a community college.
For, the definition of a community is a social group of beings sharing an environment with shared interests.