Our country’s future depends upon its youth. Providing a great education to the youth of our nation will help build a strong foundation for the future of our great country.
In order to ensure that America is going to be in safe hands, President Bush wrote into the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, proposing “an agenda which would serve as a framework from which we can all work together as Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to strengthen elementary and secondary schools.”
The Act was passed as a measure to ensure an education for every child irrespective of color, race and religion. Now that the youth have this opportunity at hand, it’s up to them to ensure a bright future that comes with an education. Strong youth builds strong nations.
According to the White House website, the proposal changes the current law which requires that states, school districts, and schools receiving Tile I funds under the Act to make a point for students to meet the standards; the basic goals are focused on ensuring basic skills in English and math.
This proposal requires that students take assessment tests which help parents and teachers understand what level each student is at and what they need to emphasize. The tests are meant to help make clear to each student the areas in which they are having trouble.
The majority of the teachers and school districts design their curriculum according to what the assessment tests would be testing students on, so they don’t face any trouble while taking the tests because they have been familiarized with the material before being tested.
If students don’t do as well on test because they are not putting in the extra effort that is needed to do well, then it reflects on the school and the teachers. Students are not bothered at all about doing the assignments and just trying to get by with the bare minimum.
However, students may not be at fault if their schools are not putting in the effort to make sure that their students are getting the education they deserve.
By not spending the funds provided to them effectively, students are not properly prepared for college. The government holds the school districts accountable for students’ results by the money granted to the schools based on the test results.
Moreover, effort needs to be put in by both parties– the school and the students. For this to happen, each and every person involved needs to put in an 100 percent effort.
Parents need to be aware of their children’s future by encouraging them to do well by giving them incentives to do so. The school districts also need to keep tabs on teachers to ensure that they are doing their very best.