The web services provided to students do a decent job in updating them with such things as grades, financial aid status, transcripts and other features. Web services even provide students with their own e-mail and message box, a feature many students may be oblivious to because these message boxes are always empty.
The fact is, college life doesn’t end with grades or transcripts. There are many other important events taking place every day on campus that many students are unaware of despite the events’ public releases on kiosks and certain offices like the Career Center or Admissions. To the students’ convenience, these mail boxes should be made useful as one more source of information.
Events such as university fairs and tours, job fairs and important dates, such as application deadlines, are useful to students, especially to those who are close to transferring.
As for newcomers who might be out of high school, this can be a great way to lead them and welcome them to the many resources the campus has to offer. There are many students who only have time to go to their classes because they have to go to work after classes, which impedes them from finding time to inquire about campus events during school hours.
Students who find themselves in clubs or programs like CARE and EOP&S, have to keep up with many important dates.
EOP&S students, for example, have to meet many deadlines throughout the semester, such as matriculation workshops, progress reports, six-semester planning sheets, among others.
Though EOP&S mails this information once a semester to all of its students, reminders would come in very handy through the message boxes whenever important dates or deadlines are nearing. This also applies to the other clubs, organizations and departments on campus.
It’s not that these events aren’t accessible enough, because these campus events are somehow available to students.
It’s the fact that students may be unaware of how to find information or could be unsure of where to find it.
These e-mail and message boxes can help students because the information will always be in one convenient place.
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