Lynn Kim | Special to The Union
In the morning, I come to El Camino, take classes, and enjoy the bustle of a college campus.
In the afternoon, I’m transported back to the world of bell schedules and having to ask to go to the bathroom.
Most 16-year-olds are worrying about when their next pep rally is going to be or what honors classes to take next year.
I am a full-time student at El Camino and a junior in high school. As a dual enrollment student at North High School, I am concurrently taking a full course load of classes at El Camino.
Going into my freshman year of high school, I was presented with an opportunity to join North High’s Early College Program in its inaugural year. I went through a rigorous application process and was accepted.
The thought of joining a dual enrollment program and taking college classes while starting out high school was scary and loomed over my head as the school year approached. Then, once I actually began the program, it turned out to be the best educational experience I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
Beginning my freshman and sophomore years, I was taking El Camino curriculum classes taught by North High teachers on my high school campus. This was a culture shock at first, but was the best way for me to get integrated into dual enrollment life.
I got to learn about making college deadlines, doing college coursework, and worst of all, taking college midterms. It was a lot more studying, writing, and work than I was used to in the past, but I knew I was working towards an end goal that would turn out to be worth it.
As of this year, I’ve been able to take classes in classrooms at ECC, taught by the college’s instructors. This opened up opportunities, including being part of the campus community, stopping at the cafe everyday to get matcha, and having access to everything that El Camino has to offer.
So far, I’ve gotten to use their huge library, attend a seminar on campus, and poked my head into an LA Sparks practice that happened on campus.
The best part about being a dual enrolled student isn’t even experiencing campus life.
It’s the outcome and what I’m getting out of the program that I love the most. Through this program, I am able to earn my high school diploma and my associates degree at the exact same time. This allows me to have two years of college credit completed once I graduate, ultimately saving me money and shortening my time getting through school once I transfer to a four-year university.
This is experience is unique and something that the Early College Program offers. I love the fact that everything I do, every class I complete here at El Camino, counts for both high school and college credit. When I eventually transfer, not only will I apply as a transfer student, which increases my chances of getting into whatever school I wish, but I don’t have to complete all the normal general education and required classes that other college freshmen do.
Overall, I am so glad and extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of dual enrollment.
I’m glad that I get to experience college earlier than most, happy that I am able to meet new people through this program, and especially grateful that I get to experience education in this new, exciting, and opportunistic way. I’ve loved every moment so far of what I’ve been able to experience and I’m so excited to see where it will take me in the future.