With the fall semester coming to an end and winter right around the corner, there are various festivities to engage in for the holiday season.
The Union went around campus and spoke to students to learn about holiday traditions, what they have planned for winter break and their fondest holiday memories.

Marion Rodriguez, 27, psychology major
“We light up candles, we make wishes and we have natilla, which is a pudding.”

Vasti Salinas, 26, pre-nursing major
“We make tamales together,” Rodriguez said. “We typically do Secret Santa amongst each other.”

Racheal Brown, 23, English major
“I’m going with my sister to see her dad. He’s in a convalescent home, so we’re going to go spend some time with him. My sister makes all the food. I think what I like the most is the mac and cheese. I guess I like the simplicity of it.”

Carleigh Clark, 18, arts major
“I spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day at my grandparent’s house. We take a family photo every year. It’s been going on since before I was born. Afterwards, we open presents.”

Madison Scott, 18, arts major
“ The best gift I ever got was my cat Gizmo, I got him for Christmas in 2015.”