Eliminating zero lab units reduces funds
At Issue: Recently EC has realized funding recieved from zero-unit labs doesn’t follow state law.
Already strapped for cash, EC’s wallet looks like it will be getting even thinner this year following the removal of the zero-unit L laboratories.ÿ
In total, there are 60 zero-unit laboratories.ÿ These laboratories have been attached to such classes as art, English 1B or 1C. When students enroll in these classes, they are automatically enrolled into zero-unit laboratories, which raises money for EC, but require students to attend arranged presentations and performances outside of class hours.
Following a review of these labs by the state chancellor, EC has discovered zero-unit laboratories might not coincide with California law.
As of now, there are 2.9 million students enrolled in the California’s 109 community colleges.ÿ Per student, each community college students earns $1 juxtaposed with the $1.83 each CSU student earns or the $3.62 each UC student earns.
Zero-unit labs help fund things around campus, but they also play an important role in student development.ÿMany students, during this era of television and video games, aren’t willing to give up money or time to go to enrichment events.
By making zero unit laboratories mandatory students, go to these performances or programs that might awaken something from within and encourage them to venture out even more.
See related news story.
Math requirements may increase for A.A.
At Issue: Students may be required to take a higher level of math in order to obtain an Associate’s degree. degree.degdegreaathe extra $7 per unit.
Sue became a kindergarten teacher after four years of college. As she prepared the math lesson of the day, her mind began to think about quadratic equations, binomial equations, polynomial equations and perfect squares.
These were all concepts Sue learned in her Math 70 class while in college. And according to Sue, they were concepts she would never use again.
Because Title 5 gives the Academic Senate the freedom to change requirements, it has proposed raising the math requirement for students planning to obtain an A.A; it’s ridiculous.
Students are required to learn the basic fundamentals of algebra so they may acquire skills in life to formulate and strategize.
To force all students, some of whom are not majoring in a math-oriented field, is not reasonable. Math 40 as a requirement for an A.A. has been and should continue to be the basic requirement.
Look at it this way: If a person could get by in life driving an automatic car, he or she would not be forced into learning how to drive a race car because he or she never plans to race. If the A.A. requirement is going to be raised from Math 40 to Math 70, it should be proposed only for students needing an A.A. for a math-oriented field.
Students who are unhappy need to speak out. They may do so by voicing concerns to the Associated Student Organization (ASO) at (310) 660-3507.
See related news story.