Representative of Society of Music, Kayla Atkinson and Black Student Union club president and ASO Director of Academic Affairs Bryant Odega, who were respectively crowned king and queen of homecoming. Photo credit: Emma Dimaggio
Music pulsated through the air of the East Dining Room as students danced the night away to celebrate El Camino’s homecoming dance.
A crowd of more than 130 people gathered on Thursday, Oct. 12 after the homecoming football game held in Murdock Stadium.
Sakura Shimizu, 20, business major and ASO director of public relations, predicted that the dance would have a larger turnout than the previous year.
“Last year there were around 30 people, but this year I feel like there will be a lot more,” Shimizu said.
Vanessa Esguerra, 21, business major and ASO senator of business. affirmed that, compared to the year before, this year’s homecoming had a successful attendance.
“I did homecoming the year before last and it was an okay turn out, but this year is a great turn out,” Esquerra said. “Homecoming is kind of becoming what it’s supposed to be, coming home.”
Similarly, Inter-Club Council secretary and homecoming co-chair Jennifer Gutierrez felt that her hard work regarding homecoming festivities had paid off in the end.
“I think the dance went pretty well compared to what I’ve heard about previous years,” Gutierrez said. “(My position) was a demanding position but rewarding to see everyone have fun.”
Homecoming attendee and EC student Yuji Ozawa, 20, business major, enjoyed the dance because of its good “atmosphere.”
Representative of Society of Music, Kayla Atkinson won homecoming queen and points towards her club at the homecoming dance.
At the homecoming football game, Black Student Union club president and ASO Director of Academic Affairs Bryant Odega, was crowned homecoming king.
Odega had positive feelings towards being crowned king.
“It feels great being apart of the process,” Odega said. “It shows the culture of the community (at El Camino), a culture of love and diversity.”