The driver of the Ford Expedition lost control crashing into the construction site near Lot B after colliding onto another vehicle driving east bound of Manhattan beach Blvd. around 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday April, 25. The drivers of both the vehicles were given medical attention, except for the passengers of the Ford expedition who were not harmed.
Two vehicles collided on Manhattan Beach Boulevard which caused one of the vehicles to swerve into a construction fence surrounding the campus roadway next to Parking Lot B, around 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, a witness said.
The drivers, both conscious, were taken away in ambulances after the crash.
Alexander Martinez, 25, computer engineering major, said he witnessed the crash towards the end.
“There was nobody actually in the path, so it didn’t seem like anybody got hit,” Martinez said. “(The) people who came out of the car seemed a little scared, but they seemed relatively okay.”
El Camino Police declined to comment on the incident and forwarded all questions to Sgt. Jeff Lewis.