Scene One Film Club President Aiden Ross, 20, hosts the last club meeting on May 21, 2024, just days before “Film Fest.” The event will feature numerous club members’ short films on May 31. “A lot of these filmmakers are first time filmmakers," Ross said. (Katie Volk | The Union)
The Scene One Film Club will celebrate its student filmmakers by showcasing student-made short films at its upcoming event.
The club will host “Film Fest” on Friday, May 31 at 5 p.m., in the East Dining Hall above the Bookstore.
This event is free for all attendees and food and drinks will be provided as well.
“I hope that [attendees] will see how creative everyone is…maybe this will spark their creativity in them,” Victoria Crudup, a 19-year-old film major and event planner for the club, said. “You don’t have to be just a filmmaker to make a film.”
Aiden Ross, Scene One FIlm Club’s president and 20-year-old communications major, said participants were given “Horror Mockumentary” as a starting point. However, filmmakers were not confined to this genre.
“We accept a variety of films,” Ross said. “But a lot of the films probably won’t be under that category.”
Ross will showcase his 15-minute film,”Steamboat Honey,” at the event.
According to Ross, the annual film screening event has been a long-standing tradition for many years within the club.
“I think there have been over 10 [Film Fests],” Ross said. “This club is ancient.”
Crudup said she started organizing the event last fall. Many factors had to be considered for the event to take place, making the process challenging, she said.
“We needed to decide on a time, date, and theme,” Crudup said. “We decided on how many movies were going to be submitted, the eligibility requirements and some of the awards that could be received.”
Following the screening of the films, awards will be distributed among the filmmakers, including awards for Best Director, Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Hair and Makeup.
“We will be doing a kind of an Oscar ceremony,” Ross said. “These awards will recognize a lot of these films that were made.”
Crudup said “Film Fest” was funded by El Camino’s Inter-Club Council. A budget request was submitted to ICC, which then provided the club with finances to purchase decorations for the event.
“That’s how we got the table cloths, red carpets, centerpieces, as well as anything else we might be providing,” Crudup said.
Michael McDermit, an English professor and the club’s adviser, said he is eager to watch the films students have created since last fall. According to McDermit, “Film Fest” fosters creativity and generates a supportive environment that encourages students to make their own films.
McDermit’s 10-minute documentary, “The Dormant Language of Love,” will be shown during the event along with other student-produced films.
“I can’t wait to see the films the students came up with that they’ve been working on all year,” McDermit said. “Above all, I love the support that everyone shows from each other.”