Themed designs and theatrics kept the crowd energized and excited at the El Camino Fashion Show which took place inside the Campus Theatre on Wednesday, Dec.6. (Clarence Davis | The Union)
Color. Glamor. Pink Hair.
The Campus Theater was filled with an array of colors and beauty.
As attendees walked into the theater they were stunned by the amazing performances, makeup and hairdos of the cosmetology students.
Many of these attendees were the family members of the performing students, coming to see their kids’ hard work pay off.
“[The event] is about [students] putting together everything that they learned in class, putting it on a real person [with] a real theme,” Charlene Brewer-Smith, professor of cosmetology, and Academic Senate president, said
The event is the Day and Night Cosmetology Hair Show on Wednesday, Dec. 6.
The event showcased cosmetology students’ work, with seven groups of students working together to showcase their costumes, hairstyles and makeup in a skit that relates to a theme given to the students.

Day and Night is the fourth annual hair show at El Camino in as many years, Brewer-Smith said.
Stylist and cosmetology student Brian Gonzalez participated in the show. His group’s theme was inspired by the movie “Barbie.”
“We thought [Barbie] was a good representation of what “Day and Night” would be because Barbie has a lot of different hairstyles and unique looks,” Gonzalez said.
Other themes in the show were the 2004 movie “Mean Girls,” the toy brand Bratz, phases of the Zodiac astrology, cartoons and even fairytales.
Some cosmetology professors helped their students out with the event by giving them a space for them to work at the salons in the Industry and Technology Building.
Cosmetology professor Bruce Tran said that by providing a space for the cosmetology students, they can apply their talents for the show.
A bridal hair competition took place during the event. The competition consisted of students seeing who could style the best hair design on a mannequin’s head.

The winner of the competition was stylist Lellani Smith. Smith’s design was wavy with strands of silky dark hair going down the mannequin’s face and on the top of the head, small flowers.
“[it was a] competition that just showed how students could style… for a bride,” Brewer-Smith said.
One audience member, Daniel Tyo, a biology major and student worker at the Industry and Technology Division Office, said he wanted to support fellow Industry and Technology members from the Cosmetology Department.
“[I liked] watching the students grow since I got to see them since day one,” Tyo said. “I’m happy about the improvement and growth of the students.”

Brewer-Smith said the mood of the event was good.
“People were excited to see their loved ones. You know, whoever they came to support,” she said. “They were excited to see them do their thing on stage.”